I love the name of John and Stasi Eldredge’s ministry, “Ransomed Heart.” It tells us exactly what Jesus did for us. When our heart was held captive to sin and in the grip of the world, he paid our ransom. I picture God looking down and saying, “They can never do it alone.” So the Son of God became the Son of Man as well and purchased our freedom through his life, death, and resurrection.

He never promised us things would be easy. We all experience bad days, weeks, months, and sometimes, years. Due to the ransom Jesus paid, there is always light at the end of that proverbial tunnel.

When I left my mother’s death bed and returned home, the day was bright and sunny and the birds sang loudly from the trees. It reminded me she was no longer held hostage by a nursing home bed and was soaring in God’s kingdom. Her faith had saved her and she had long ago accepted the ransom. When I suffered a series of sudden hearing losses in the 80’s and 90’s, I was comforted by one particularly amazing sunset and reminded I still had my vision to view such marvels. I also felt the presence of my Benefactor throughout the remainder of my days in the classroom. Those are my stories and I know you have your own.

Sadly, unlike the kidnap victims we read and hear about, the ransom Jesus paid is not always accepted by the “victim.” Can you imagine someone being held hostage, but refusing to be released despite the ransom paid. There are many around us who do that every day. Instead of embracing the gift of a ransomed heart, they embrace doubt. Pray that those captive hearts may be moved, stirred, and changed. The reward is eternity with the One who bought our freedom.

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.–I Thessalonians 5:23-2